

Operator Precedence

Like in math: 3 + 4 * 5 = 23 and not 35, in PHP you have an order for interpreting the code.

Associativity Operators Additional Information
non-associative clone new clone and new
left [ array()
right ++ — ~ (int) (float) (string) (array) (object) (bool) @ types and increment/decrement
non-associative instanceof types
right ! logical
left * / % arithmetic
left + – . arithmetic ?i string
left << >> bitwise
non-associative < <= > >= comparison
non-associative == != === !== <> comparison
left & bitwise ?i references
left ^ bitwise
left | bitwise
left && logical
left || logical
left ? : ternary
right = += -= *= /= .= %= &= |= ^= <<= >>= => assignment
left and logical
left xor logical
left or logical
left , many uses

For operators that have the same precedence, the order is specified in the first column.
PHP also knows about Asociativity.


 if (!$a = foo())

Even if = has lower precedence than other operators (! here) the return falue of foo() is put into $a  before the negation